Asias Security Group Conferences & Exhibitions is a leading Professional Congress and Event Organizing company, based in a prime location in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Asias Security Group is committed to creating event experiences by providing customized, innovative solutions with a focus on meeting clients’ needs and objectives.
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Exhibitor's Contact
Exhibitor's Info
Exhibitor's Contact
Asias Security Group Conferences & Exhibitions is a leading Professional Congress and Event Organizing company, based in a prime location in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Asias Security Group is committed to creating event experiences by providing customized, innovative solutions with a focus on meeting clients’ needs and objectives. Our company’s well-trained and dynamic team of multilingual and dedicated permanent staff is always at your service to design with attention to detail and deliver high quality meetings, experiences and incentives, as well as integrated association management services.
Our Upcoming Events:
Virtual Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection Conference & Exhibition / 6th & 7th April, 2021 / Live on ZOOM
EMEA Security Conference & Exhibition | High Security Printing, Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection / 27th & 28th October, 2021 / Abu Dhabi, UAE
Asia Security Conference & Exhibition | High Security Printing, Anti-Counterfeiting & Brand Protection / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia